About us


Who We Are:


All Durdy® products are tested by Dirk Durdy, a non-fictional guy, living in a slightly fictional world. Dirk’s last name has been the butt of many jokes over the years, and now he invites you to join in the fun.


The Man and the Myth:


Believe it or not, Dirk Durdy is a real person.

Dirk Durdy is his real name.

He ain’t Calvin, Ralph, or Tommy. 

But from here, the line between the man and myth blurs.

Some say he was a back-office advisor to two presidents. 

Others say he’s the Bush behind the baked-bean empire.

Still others swear that he’s the inventor of Velcro and Monistat 7.

It’s rumored that he’s the illegitimate son of Bogie and Bacall,

A possible second cousin of Meryl Streep and Bono,

Or Bono and Cher.

Only a handful of people know what he looks like or where he lives.

We think he likes it that way.

So how do you really know Dirk Durdy is for real?


You can just feel it… 

Try on some Durdy® Underwear, or Durdy® sweats, wear a Durdy® shirt or socks.

Smile, laugh a little, have fun, and enjoy life more when you simply … 

“ Get Durdy® “its just good clean fun.


DURDY® the brand


Durdy Underwear – just clean fun.


Durdy® is America’s most playful brand, with attitude, and ambition to inspire, people to have fun and put a little joy in their lives like they used to, and possibly like never before!


Durdy® Underwear and our other Durdy® Brands tap into the human hunger for fun, happiness, playfulness, and a way to simply enjoy life a bit more fully. It’s our belief in what’s important, absent and desperately needed. 


At Durdy®, we passionately believe in happiness from having a bit of fun because of its proven benefits. WE have the antidote for fun-deprived and over-programmed youth and awaken the spirit in play-depleted, numb, over-worked, over-responsible adults. Durdy® isn’t just a brand or simple name tag, is a lifestyle, a call to a more innocent time, to play, smile, laugh and discover the positive energy, joy, individual expression, happy relationships, community bonds, creativity and health. It tickles the brain, and tells us, “Get Durdy® “ Play, for fun, smile, laugh and just enjoy life a little more. 


The Durdy® mission is to promote health through joy, happiness, and fun products for all ages. 


Getting Durdy®, like playing, and having fun is intended to increases brain activity, improve happiness, help reduce stress, increase productivity and stir creativity. Durdy® strives to honor its pledge to promote joy and happiness by making and marketing fun, safe, high quality products and FUNctional fashion, contributing a percentage of its profits to play creation programs, protecting the inalienable rights of children and adults of all ages to play freely, have fun in safe environments, advocating joy as an essential source of human happiness, education, health, creativity and peace for one and all.


Core Brand Attitude and Values:


Durdy®brands begin with a smile a laugh and a wink. It’s edgy, clean and healthy: 


“Get Durdy®. Live Clean.”We advocate joy, happiness, and fun by playing, because, play enhances life, including work. Durdy® fosters the spontaneous, genuine, energized, fully oxygenated fun, with a little play on words and designs.


Durdy® seeks to follow its own lead. 


It’s healthy and lightheartedly sensual. Optimistic. Durdy® conveys action, adventure, joy, fun and happiness leavened by play, a smile and hopefully a little joy and laughter. 


Brand Position:


Durdy®’s visually refreshing style, easy fit, comfort and commitment is to make the world more fun through playful designs, resiliency, and being insanely FUN, memorable and distinguish us as a brand that trumpets our engaging imperative to smile, have some fun, find a little joy and remember to always   “Get Durdy,” Its just good clean fun.